History has a plethora of complicated and intriguing connections. I find it interesting that Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were born in the same year, retaliated against the injustices in their society, and unfortunately met their ends in displays of resistance. Even more interesting are the interconnectedness of mentorships within history. For instance, Joshua was mentored by Moses to bring the Israelites into the Promised Land. Christian Dior mentored Yves Saint-Laurent to become one of the most renowned fashion houses in history.

Oftentimes many look at well-accomplished individuals like Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo as “child prodigies” since they accomplished so much at a young age. Nevertheless, da Vinci, Michelangelo & Alexander the Great each had mentors or were involved in apprenticeships at an early age.

History demonstrates mentoring as a valuable asset in society.

Peer Power’s effort to provide high-quality tutoring and mentoring services is evident within the organization itself. Cortney Richardson began mentoring Jalen Washington in 2020 as an intern, Marlon Ross mentored Rudy Gray & Dani Nelson mentored Lama Al Bonni, respectively, while they were Success Coaches.

When I was a Success Coach, my Peer Power teacher, Dr. Clementhia Poole, mentored me in getting my Master’s and the subsequent six years of teaching.

Mentoring is more than “each one, reach one” or “life coaching.” It is a strategic investment of wisdom, knowledge and resources into someone else. There shouldn’t be a ‘superior’ to ‘inferior’ dynamic nor a savior complex. Holistic mentoring is guiding a human into the most efficient form of humanity for them. Mentoring should be positive, relevant & appropriate. It is solely mentee-based yet favorable to the mentor.

Why should mentorship be favorable to the mentor? Because it gives them a greater sense of self and purpose. It’s high-calling and communal to walk alongside those we mentor. Mentors receive the benefits of coaching, witnessing progress & conquering challenges in courtside seats. It is an absolutely amazing opportunity to watch development of an individual.

Mentorship is a powerful tool in education. It can no longer be undervalued and under-resourced. Throughout the 20 years of Peer Power, we reflect on mentorship’s advantageous benefits and costly challenges and we arise to the occasion.

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